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Jerry Carletonfounder and principal of Immix Law Group, is a corporate and securities attorney who counsels private emerging and growth-stage companies on corporate, finance, and securities issues. He focuses on pre-formation planning, entity formation, raising capital, securities compliance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, leasing and contractual issues, and general day-to-day business advice. Jerry also has experience with non-profit structuring strategies, estate planning and intellectual property matters.

Jerry represents clients across a wide range of industries, including technology, SaaS, cryptocurrency, VR/MR/XR, professional services, medical services, wellness services, medical device companies, non-profit, manufacturing, automotive, wineries, retail, art services, creative agencies, marketing and print, graphic design, certified public accounting services, realty and real estate acquisition, mortgage planning, fashion, apparel, upholstery, 
and recreation.

He adds value as a strategic business partner to entrepreneurs and is able to provide clients not only counseling on legal issues, but also advice from a business perspective.  Jerry and his wife Heather have founded or co-founded fourteen companies in different industries to date, spanning durable medical equipment, SaaS, cryptocurrency mining, non-profit, private foundation, revenue capital, legal services and commercial real estate.

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